Free EFL Resources
- Supporting Your Child’s Inner LifeHelping your child to develop awareness of his soul.
- The Balanced Life: Curing Mental Abnormalitiescontains Paramahansa Yoganananda’s Curriculum of the School for Training Balanced Souls
- The Psychological Chart
the chart developed by Paramhansa Yogananda for use with students in the school he founded in India in 1916
- Art of Joyful Education
a description of the founding of the first Education for Life School in the West in 1972
- Starting an Education for Life SchoolInterview with the founder of the first Education for Life School in Sloveniaan
- Education for Life Teacher Blogsarticles by current Education for Life teachers around the world
- Progressive Development Interactive Charta sample chart from The Road to Maturity, describing the spectrum of consciousness used in Education for Life
- Three reading lists for students:Reading lists for children and teens